
Life Update

Hey Flawsome fans! I'm so sorry I haven't posted since July, I've had a lot going on. it all started in May when I was abruptly and wrongfully fired from my job that i had for 8 years based on lies. I went into a state of depression, deeper than normal, and had to refocus… Continue reading Life Update

Life, Music

Nashville-The Show, The City, The people and how one little show changed my life.

"Sometimes I wish I could just do everything all over again." "What would you change"? "Everything... Nothing..." On October 10, 2012 I sat with my mom in-front of my TV and watched this new show on ABC called Nashville. The opening credits played Zack Brown Bands "Even If It Breaks Your Heart", at this point… Continue reading Nashville-The Show, The City, The people and how one little show changed my life.


A day that was supposed to be filled with love, turned into day filled with hate.

      What I am about to write is going to get political and very opinionated so if you don't want to read my thoughts on school shootings leave now. Today February 14th 2018, a day that for as long as I have been alive has been a day about love, the love you… Continue reading A day that was supposed to be filled with love, turned into day filled with hate.